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Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church.


Sunday Worship Schedule 

9:30 am - Adult Sunday School in Conference Room off of the office.

10:45 am- Divine Worship Service                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Lent Midweek Schedule

  • Wed. March 19th          6:00      Soup Supper                                                      7:00      Lent Midweek Service
  • Wed. March 26th          6:00      Soup Supper                                                                                 7:00      Lent Midweek Service
  • Wed. April 2nd               6:00      Soup Supper                                                                                     7:00      Lent Midweek Service
  • Wed. April 9th                6:00      Soup Supper                                                                               7:00      Lent Midweek Service  

April 13th   Palm Sunday Divine Worship Service-10:45AM 

April 17th   Maundy Thursday Service - 7:00 PM

April 18th   Good Friday Service - 7:00 PM

April 20th   Easter Sunday - Divine Service - 8:30 AM                                                                               Easter Breakfast - 9:30 AM                                                                         Divine Service - 10:45 AM


Tuesday Bible Study - 10 am in Grace Hall
Men's Bible Breakfast - 2nd Saturday
              8:00 am (Grace Hall)
Women's Bible Breakfast - 3rd Saturday
              9:00 am (Grace Hall)   


  Contact Us!

Phone: 440-942-7766



37728 Euclid Ave.
Willoughby, OH 44094






